Friday, August 18, 2006

The BIG Storm!

I looked out my bathroom window this morning. It faces west, so I can watch the weather roll in while I'm sudsing up. Silly me, no camera, but all I saw was this large dark triangular (funnel??)-shaped cloud coming up behind the barn. The wind had picked up to a point where we needed to batten down the hatches. I took a pass on the shower to see if we needed to hunker down, and by the time my husband and I secured a few things outside (mostly moving boxes and debris), it was all over. I have to say it was one of the strangest weather occurences I've experienced. I'm not sure if I reacted strangely because of the locale, but it really looked like we were going to get hammered, if not by some serious winds, then by a serious thunderstorm. I had visions of no power, more downed trees. It has been raining all morning, but just a normal shower. The grass needs to be cut again.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Our Move-In Surprise

We arrived in Mt Vernon Wed Night and opted to stay with the 'rents. A heavy storm blew through around 5 am and tore apart some wonderful trees at our new house. It looks like one tree was struck by lightening, which knocked down a dead/hollow tree next to it. The hollow tree fell and took half of two separate trees with it. Here are the photos to prove it and show the mess we have to clean up one of these days!

Moving In!

Well, this was the week. It is Sunday night, and we are all tired, but we are here in rainy Iowa and the kitchen is all unpacked. We have lost most of A's clothes, though. All-in-all, it hasn't been a bad week. The last 10 days in Chicago were a whirlwind. I am thankful we were able to have Golan's do our packing as we were able to make the rounds and spend time with those we will miss the most. The kids have done great through the whole move and seem to have adapted to their first few days in Iowa well. After all the agnst and concern and wonder, when I was driving into Mt Vernon on Wednesday night, it felt ok to know I was driving into my hometown. The kids have already spent a couple days with the grandparents. I went shopping for a new vacuum (fully carpeted house!), and was simply tickled when someone at Kohls, of all places, offered to carry it out for me. Gas is $2.86/gallon. But, we have no pizza delivery! There will be more tales to tell, as we adjust and hopefully soon, sell our house back in Chicago (which I've almost forgotten about!).

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Our New View

As seen July 14, 2006 around 9:00 pm

Just Do(ing) It!

Now that we are 3 days and counting to the actual move, I've been reflecting on what brought us here. Could be stupidity; lack of decent jobs that have long-term promise; desire to let grandma & grandpa raise the children. . .ALL seem to be good reasons, but it really comes down to the idea that we are doing it while we can. We have always chittered about (ok I have also chittered about it and D listened. I think.) moving closer to cheaper golf, moving somewhere quieter, even about living in a big old house in the country. Most of the time, it was idle chit-chat. When my dad was diagnosed with lung cancer, something changed. I made an effort to get to see him more often and instead of just "seeing" him, I asked questions about his family and his growing up and even about the Detroit Tigers (still a Cubs fan, though!) Of course, HE doesn't really like these sorts of questions, but that's a subject for another blog. At any rate, the whole "life's too short" thing hit me squarely in the family confines. Thus the idea was born. Now, as we say the goodbyes and pack the boxes, I'm still not sure if we're doing the right thing, I already miss the City; but I also know we may not have this crazy opportunity again. We might as well do it now so we can look back and know we DID IT instead of Not.