My journey to Des Moines
I recently went to Des Moines, IA for the sole purpose of getting out of my car and running 26.2 miles. In case you didn't realize it, that is just a really long way to run. And, getting to that point isn't so much a training program as it is a journey. I almost think of it like that show The Amazing Race. I could not have gotten from point A (capable of finishing -slowly - a half marathon) to Point B (twice that) without a little; okay, a lot of help! I had friends who would run with me, relatives who made sure my kids were taken care during my longest training times and/or shuttled me around so I could start and finish in just the right spot. It was pretty amazing. It was humbling. Eventually, it was also painful, but the pain was part of the journey, part of the learning and in a sick, runner sort of way, I'm grateful for it.
I could expound on all sorts of details and the people who helped me experience them and yet, I don't want to create this long list. My first marathon wasn't a list, a checkbox; it was more. I am truly amazed at what it took to get there and feel like I need to give some of that back - back to running. I want to help others run their first; their first mile, their first 5K, their first whatever; or maybe the one after that. I'd like to give back by appreciating every single run, even the ones that suck. Right now, with some lingering back pain, I am giving back by being patient with the healing and strengthening and not pushing myself too hard and knowing someday, I'll be able to push hard again. Most of all, I want to give back by encouraging those who run. Some need cheers, others need someone to listen to their story, a few need someone to run next to. I hope I can be all that and more because it was all those things that got me through that journey to Des Moines. And, I am sure that I will ask for some combination of those things to keep me running for years to come.
I could expound on all sorts of details and the people who helped me experience them and yet, I don't want to create this long list. My first marathon wasn't a list, a checkbox; it was more. I am truly amazed at what it took to get there and feel like I need to give some of that back - back to running. I want to help others run their first; their first mile, their first 5K, their first whatever; or maybe the one after that. I'd like to give back by appreciating every single run, even the ones that suck. Right now, with some lingering back pain, I am giving back by being patient with the healing and strengthening and not pushing myself too hard and knowing someday, I'll be able to push hard again. Most of all, I want to give back by encouraging those who run. Some need cheers, others need someone to listen to their story, a few need someone to run next to. I hope I can be all that and more because it was all those things that got me through that journey to Des Moines. And, I am sure that I will ask for some combination of those things to keep me running for years to come.
Labels: Running in Iowa
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