We need a WHAT???!
A tractor. Not one of those pansy suburban-macho riding mowers, but a full-size tractor, is apparently required to mow our almost newly required 4-acres. (http://www.deere.com/en_US/ProductCatalog/HO/servlet/com.deere.u90785.cce.productcatalog.view.servlets.ProdCatProduct?pNbr=0140LV&tM=HO)
According to the John Deere literature, we are "estate owners". Does that mean I need to name the property? Do I need barbed wire fence? Should my husband wear knickers?
Anyway, the purchase of a tractor is a little daunting, just based on price alone. This is the ultimate guy's toy, though. It even has ACCESSORIES, ladies, and they cost MUCH more than a new purse! Apprently the accessory of envy is the front-loader attachment. And you're right, it's on the shopping list of my city-living spouse. Now mind you, in our current neighborhood, our neighbors mow their lawn with one of those retro-fashion push mowers. They could use scissors, for pete's sake, but I suppose that's not as fashionable. At this point, it seems like a tractor would be larger than our house! But, we do have an official tractor shed and then there's the barn. . .But, I really hope that doesn't mean we have to have animals or something to go with it. At least those aren't offered by John Deere.
According to the John Deere literature, we are "estate owners". Does that mean I need to name the property? Do I need barbed wire fence? Should my husband wear knickers?
Anyway, the purchase of a tractor is a little daunting, just based on price alone. This is the ultimate guy's toy, though. It even has ACCESSORIES, ladies, and they cost MUCH more than a new purse! Apprently the accessory of envy is the front-loader attachment. And you're right, it's on the shopping list of my city-living spouse. Now mind you, in our current neighborhood, our neighbors mow their lawn with one of those retro-fashion push mowers. They could use scissors, for pete's sake, but I suppose that's not as fashionable. At this point, it seems like a tractor would be larger than our house! But, we do have an official tractor shed and then there's the barn. . .But, I really hope that doesn't mean we have to have animals or something to go with it. At least those aren't offered by John Deere.
I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.
I find some information here.
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