The Calendar (watch for updates)

January: Family decision to "consider" the move
February: Share "the decision" with family friends
March: C quits job, forces the issue on doing something sooner that later. D starts preliminary job-hunting; We spread the word about the idea beyond the close circle
April: Job hunt and vacation
May: Crunch time on jub hunt
June 13: D gets offer for "the perfect" job
June 16: Initial Offer is made on the 4-acre home outside of Mount Vernon on Museum Road (see photo)
June 22: The For Sales sign gets posted in front of our house. I cry. Z cheers.
June 27: D starts his job in Cedar Rapids
July 9: First Open House in Chicago (also the day we got engaged, hmmm. . . .)
July 13: Close Date for Museum Road
July 14-16: Mount Vernon Heritage Days (Lisbon Sauerkraut Days are in August!!) & MV High School 25-Year Reunion (3 of D's classmates have kids that completed MV Kindergarten this year; I guess our big boy will make #4!)
July 16: Second Open House
July 20: Trek to King Tut
July 28: Our last concert outing in Chicago
August 4: Baby Vig revealed via ultrasound!
August 9: Tentative Move date
August 15: Mount Vernon Public School Registration
August 23: School Starts
December 20: Baby Vig is due to arrive!
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
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